LG teacher

Our company is waiting for an experienced specialist
We are looking for a teacher with deep knowledge in the field of lead generation to train employees and conduct courses at the online academy

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    Types of courses we offer

    • features of lead generation during several courses;
    • basic knowledge and tools;
    • The basic skills under the supervision of a mentor.

    The main tasks of the teacher

    The important thing is to teach lead generation from scratch, namely by mentoring beginners. The next is the ability to conduct theoretical and practical classes. In other words, to acquaint students with the theoretical basis of this field, to teach applying this knowledge in practice. It is also essential not to forget about the ability to explain the best methods of the specialty.

    Types of teachers we are looking for

    • Private - individual work with the student face to face;
    • Online - distance learning with a teacher;
    • Group - conducting group classes with LG up to 15 people per lesson.

    Look through the professional skills we need from you

    It’s necessary to work as a Leaddgen mentor and have the experience of teaching or speaking at seminars. This experience is the first and foremost attainment needed to work with our employees and external clients. Another essential skill is knowledge of lead generation methods because you will not be able to teach others without it.

    View all vacancies

    • Teacher - a specialist for beginners and advanced people in lead generation;
    • Trainer - teacher of specific courses on lead generation;
    • Mentor - an expert who gives private lessons on lead generation.
    Join us!

    RemotEmployees company has a job for LG teachers! Hurry up to record a video interview and get a job!

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